
Man, oh man, am I tired.

But hey, it's fall! I love it when you walk outside on a cold (but not painfully so) night and the clouds are lit up by the moon. What's even better is driving through that, and that's made yet still better by driving in a car with a sunroof. Don't have it open, because it's too cold, but just so you can see the sky if you look up.

But fall is my favorite time of the year. Why, blake, why?! It's because, by January, the cold nights get old because you're wasting all of your life away slaving over some books while trying not to look outside your window and get some kind of inspiration to do something wonderful, something enlightening, something refreshing. Because that wastes time.

Fall is great because of anticipation. You walk outside on a cold night and think about what's coming: the holidays. For me, it means more of those beautiful cold nights accented by my birthday, staying up until 3am every night on christmas break, and the thanksgiving lan party - a tradition that maybe, just maybe, will survive in the future. It hurts to think that this year's could be the last one. I'm one of the lucky few that has something new to look to - something like lounging by the fire with a girl in one arm and a stuffed toy football in the other which I'm occasionally using to bash her while the football game marches on on TV.

Do I know any of that's going to happen? No. But it's great to think about it. The thought of lounging by the fire or fighting off the cold, waiting to line up the perfect shot in a tense shooter game, or getting a UT sweater for christmas. It's wonderful; it's enlightening; it's refreshing.

That's why I love fall.


Going into livejournal mode again. LJ mode, for the uninitiated, is when I ramble on several completely unrelated topics in search of a mere nugget of wisdom, much like, you guessed it, a LiveJournal.

Ugh. Teenage drama.

I just got into yet another fight with a girl over absolutely friggin' nothing. Why can't everyone be a good communicator? If there were a required class in high school about interpersonal communication and compromise, we'd all be far better off. I've already got that part covered, I think, so I'd test out and go straight into Mellowing the Hell Out class.

So I'm trying to mellow while everyone else enjoys their 4-day weekend. I knew the bad timing of the school holidays would suck, but I didn't think it would be this bad. I've got some good music going, talking to my more reassuring friends, about to go play my new addiction (Unreal Tournament 2003, it's greatness), and probably going to bed early tonight.

I hope I wake up happy in the morning. I guess that'll happen if I'm able to fall asleep tonight.


Mom: "Let's get this room cleaned up, shall we?"
Me: "No. Go away."

Thankfully, syed's journal has once again picked up steam now that the school year's in full swing. Very good entertainment, very hilarious photoshop work (enormous peter head = comedy GOLD), and the not-so-bad brainwashing that emily really is an attractive chick. Congratulations, em, you have fans.


Today was a day of several interesting thoughts.

1. I've reverted back to my fanboy-ism of BMWs. I want one. I'm spoiled, yes. Once my second Camry of Serious Hard-Core Action dies (the silver one with the spoiler and cool wheels), I'm going to get myself a used new-generation 7 series. They're just friggin' cool cars, and hell, if there's one out there that survives until I wear out my car-to-be, it's probably worthy of a few more years.

2. Finished the bulk of the work on my Plan2 application. The next week goes to making sure that all the bells and whistles are properly attached and in the mailbox. For some strange reason today I was reminded of Dr. Woodruff, the fella in charge of P2. I've met him twice, once at my P2 visit (he was the teacher) and again at the Honors Colloquium (greetz to all those 2 wonderful kids who still check this thing). Perhaps I got to thinking of him because in the two hours that I've talked to the guy, he's already better than the vast majority of the teachers I've had at Oakridge, and I won't mention any names such as the entire Tollison family who all need to have starving Ethiopians thrown at them for hours on end to remind them what happens because of evil people like them.

But that's neither here nor there.

Woodruff, anyway, is a real nice guy. Oh yeah! I remembered him because of his little P2 rant at the College of Liberal Arts (from here on out, CoLA) lunch and he did this very silly one-man dialogue between a kid and his dad, and he kept loosening and tightening his necktie to symbolize each, respectively. He's the ideal kind of professor for a goofball like me: you think he looks really screwy at first glance, and then you're sure that he's screwy when he speaks only a couple words at a time. Then it hits you: the guy is a walking sense of humor, he's a very calculating speaker (as any philosopher should be), and he's a damned genius to boot.

Strange that he's been one of my strongest pulls to Plan2 (just academically speaking, I've got millions of reasons to go to Austin and P2's one of 'em), but I'm amazed at how often my intuition is right about these things.

3. Homecoming. My memory-loss issues are starting to show: I completely forgot that my date is working until Friday evening. I, being the friggin' genius I am, also agreed to contribute to singing the national anthem. SO, instead of taking that very cute girl to a nice dinner and then being smoove and singing, I get to sing, then promptly leave the game to go get her and then bring her back. Fun stuff, congratulations to The Real World� and School� for owning the shit out of both me and Stephanie.

Blink's "Please Take Me Home" just came on. I want to go home.
