
Oh, I forgot to mention my absolutely hilarious story from visiting Habib over at UTD Friday night.

UTD people, for those not in the know, get a really good deal when it comes to housing: he has his own apartment. Two people get a two-bedroom apartment with private bathrooms and a huge common living space, and a nice balcony to boot. So Habib has a pretty nice setup in his room: a bed directly next to his computer, opposite of which is his guitar. Adorning the walls are Incubus posters, and pictures of his family line the top of his dresser.

This is where things get fun.

On the top of the dresser is a wallet-size picture of him sitting back-to-back with an unbelievably attractive brunette. "Dude," I exclaim, "who is this?" I feel proud of my buddy Habib; I didn't think he got chicks of the unbelievably-attractive-brunette kind.

"Dude," he replies, "that's my sister."


The Ring is seriously the single most disturbing thing I have ***ever*** seen.

If you're weak of heart, stomach, easily offended, have a heart condition, or pregnant, don't see this movie. Please.

If you ignore my advice and *do* see this very unpredictable, shocking masterpiece of a horror film, please don't talk to me about it as I'm trying to erase all these horrible images from my mind.

The "Klaus is on a RAMPAGE!" video has been topped with The Ring as the most shocking thing ever. At least Klaus was funny.


Stephen Hawking once said, "If time travel were possible, we'd be inundated with tourists from the future."

That pretty much settles it.


I love storytime.

That's the kind of knowledge I want to have - I'm sick of learning useless stuff out of books. I want to be a storyteller instead, the kind who tells the lesser-known details of history because one figure's personality quirks have no effect on the 1830s national economy, and that's the stuff that sells textbooks. I want to tell my kids about how no Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1948 because Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated. I don't care if they learn about 19th century monetary policy like I was forced to.

I wish there was a story for me to tell right now. It would be fun. Be sure to check the box up in the corner; I finally got around to putting something in there.

Update: I just realized I've been misspelling Dzihan & Kamien for a very long time. Apologies to those wonderful minimalist composers.