Thanksgiving is great

It's been turkey-less, and the UT-A&M game was one of the ugliest games I've seen since I ever started following UT football.

Still, this break has been rather nice.

It's been mostly just well-coordinated slacking with the a-town crew, which has been hugely immersed in gaming goodness thanks to the 2 Wiis, 1 PS3, and 2 copies of Guitar Hero II among us. It's all phenomenally addictive, and altogether it's been one of the best gaming seasons in recent years.

I'm not sleeping as much as I do on school breaks, but it's been hugely refreshing anyway. I'm in good spirits, and I think I'll be capable of finishing the semester in good shape.

More importantly, the gaming is really good lately.

The Wii launch day was a little bit insane. I took a stab at getting one at Target on early launch morning. Austin's biggest Target turned away overnight campers. On the way home, though, An Lee suggests we try Sam's, since we have nothing to lose. We get there to find the store has all of 6 units, and there are 6 people who have been camping overnight. So we're headed back to the highway when An Lee gets a lightbulb. He calls Sam's, gets the manager, and finds out that the people in line will get one *per membership card.* The people in line had been together. So we show back up, as inconspicuously as two out of 8 guys in the middle of a parking lot can, and silently wait two hours. Once the store prepares to open, the people in line figure out what went wrong and raise hell with the manager, but to no avail - An Lee and I are victorious.

Because it's 3am, and I'm sleepy, I will unequivocably (but with some exceptions) recommend these games that I've been playing:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Wii Sports (yeah, it's actually really cool)
Red Steel
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (for 4-player coop only)
Resistance (only if you lack the means to play Halo)

Law school applications are done. They all went out about a month ago but had some loose ends to tie up. It's been a gigantic weight off my shoulders, but I didn't feel the relaxation until I finished all my stuff for JA. Seriously, this semester was just one thing after another, and I'm relieved it's downhill from here. Now I can focus on fun things, like Japan. I'm taking off on December 26th and returning on January 14th, which is right before classes start. Starting from now, you can request stuff for me to bring back from Japan, but I'll require the money in advance. The 'surprise me' option is also available, so EMAIL ME if you really do want something.

A Random Californian on the PS3

In honor of the imminent Playstation 3 release at midnight:

This video makes a good parable for the PS3.

"It's OK to experiment! It's OK to fail!"

Strangely, it's one of the most awesome videos ever.

Good luck, Playstation 3.

*hushed snicker*

Welcome to the holidays, amigos.

Forget the 'Carol of the Bells'-themed commercials for retail stores. Forget the blowout sales at the retail stores. Forget Bill O' Reilly declaring War on War on Christmas.

I don't know about you guys, but the only way I know it's the holidays is when Spike starts airing Bond movies.

And tonight, as I write this, I'm watching For Your Eyes Only. And I'd be sipping a martini of some kind if only I had vodka.

Welcome, amigos, to 4 months of cold weather and Bond movies. It's going to be a good winter.

The Plan for Thanksgiving (tm)

The break is a week away, amigos. It's time to talk what we're going.

I'll be starting things off.

I'm in a-town (or considerably close): Monday night through Sunday (yes, Monday! I rule!)
Family committments? none
Black Friday? Quite possibly. Need some new speakers and Wii toys, and possibly new hardware (see below)
What else must be done: Watch the South Park movie at Thomas's, play Wii (and PS3, if any of you fuckers actually get one and a half-decent game, gl), have a hardware day (in which we fix my computer and modify our DSs), and play some damned ssb.

So it's on you guys. Copy/paste that paragraph above, fill in the blanks as necessary, and comment.

REALLY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Mongolian. Wednesday. Meet there at 12:30.

It's been too long since I posted a chat log

(courtesy Gtalk)

Graham: i should be back on friday
i refuse to stay until saturday
me: haha oh wait, that means you're out for black friday, aren't you?
Graham: hell no
that's why i'm coming back on friday and i dont give a damn what my family does
im so there
me: but wouldnt you have to leave at like 2am friday?
Graham: lol
im retarded
youre right i mixed it up
thank you
hang on i have to call my mother and tell her the bad news

Now THAT is hardcore.