My weekend did rule

All of the things that were mentioned in the previous post, all ruled. And reportedly Roberto the mono victim is even feeling better. Many pictures were taken, but my bandwidth is sacked for a couple more days so pics aren't up yet.

This weekend is going to rule

Last weekend I barely had anything to do. This weekend is when I make up for it.

Tonight: The annual Plan II Formal. Sounds hokey, I know, but they put a lot of effort into it and the result is awesome. They take over this fancy Victorian party house in downtown, everyone's crazy dressed up (I'm wearing a new suit - pics will be up in due time), and my date is insanely hot. I know, because she showed off her dress to me a while ago. Pics will be up, I promise.

Tomorrow: The TGA Smash tournament. If you're in Austin or feel like getting up at 9am to come play, show up and enter, it should be fun.
Also: I'm coaching Plan II Powderpuff Football. Me, a couple other coaches, and a whole ton of P2 hotties. Should be a fine time.
Also: I'm seeing Jimmy Eat World tomorrow night.

Sunday: I might actually get to relax today, but I intend to check out the choir concert (and bring my old choir guys peace, love, and honor, and see an old female acquaintance from the Women's Chorus). I must also show love to Roberto, bless his soul, who came down with a muy malo case of mono. Poor guy. I feel for him. Seriously, it sucked having mono and I just had mono-lite.

Anyhow. There will be pics aplenty after the end of this weekend.

A tweak and an idea

Site change: removed the BlogBar from the top of the page. I think it's a pretty worthless feature, since archive search doesn't work and I could care less about the 'next blog' button. If any other Blogger users want to remove theirs, gimme a shout and I'll fill you in, it's a very easy code change.

Idea: I want to run the One Lap of America. It's similar to the other cross-country races (Cannonball, Gumball, Players' Run, etc.) but this one focuses on motorsport rather than showing off. In 8 days, you hit 10 different tracks across America (the route changes every year) and do various tests on each day. You start with skidpads and move up into complete laps at minor American circuits. Tons of kinds of cars go, ranging from ancient Impalas to modern cheap racers (Miatas, Minis, etc.) to Evos to M, AMG and American supercars. The starting requirement is 2 racing schools, so I guess I better get to saving up some cash.