Murphy's Law strikes out

This weekend, I went to war with Mr. Murphy himself. It all started early Sunday morning when I spent hours waiting for the rain to subside to go home, and once I found a good gap in the storm to start going home, it starts pouring on me as I'm rushing home from West Campus. I get downstairs to find that my new room key won't open the basement suite. Sigh.

From there, things got nicer. The trip home overnight was quick and painless, and mom really enjoyed her new iPod Shuffle for Mothers' Day. She's about to hugely get into using iTunes Music Store as to avoid buying a retail CD ever again. At Pei Wei they threw in some extra chicken by coincidence. While there, I ran into Ford, my old [warp] clanmate from many ages ago.

The next day, I wasn't lucky enough to hang out with yet another Emily, who started celebrating her 21st plenty early in the day. But I was lucky enough as a result to stop by the BMW dealer since I noticed that the new 3-series had come in. My guy, John, took me out for a spin and I got to put it through a short run myself. Gearheads: read my review on Bimmerfest here. Right after that, he took me out in a Z4 (my first time driving one) and it was a *blast*. There's truly nothing like a roadster. It's thrilling, even on a cloudy day and there's a cop in your rear view mirror.

I think that's where my luck ran out - I had to come back to Austin to start working on finals and all that nonsense. I'll be moving home on Tuesday, May 18th.


Tomorrow, the Halo 2 stats ladders will reset. Let it be known, that before this reset, I was a Level 13 player.

That is all.

Update: After spending a very fun night playing the new 2v2 playlist with Mikey, I'm back at level 13. The rankings tend to work differently now though, and I'm estimating right now that above-average players will hover at level 20 or higher.

Meet my brother

It's occurred to me that the vast majority of my readers have never met my brother. He's freakin' cool, and this picture was taken just after his final recital while finishing his doctoral degree here at UT. For reference, he looks a lot more like our dad than I do.

Blake and Kris


My dog is terminal. :(

She's suffering kidney failure. Last time I went home she was drugged out of her mind and wasn't surprised to see me, which is unusual because she usually really misses me and goes nuts when I get back home.

Nowadays she's on controlled substances, so she's super loopy, according to mom. The good news is that there's food that can really slow the progression - my mom's friend's dog is going on strong 2 years after being diagnosed. But that said, this will be the end of my cute-but-psycho dog Pepper.


Dear Coldplay:

Why on earth did you ever trick me with Yellow? That song blew, and for it I hated you for a good number of years of my high school career. But I liked "Rush of Blood to the Head," so I came around and admitted that I liked you guys. But now, upon listening to Parachutes in greater detail, I love you.

Love and admiration,