Things to do to waste time in the near future

Here's the list of stuff I have piled up and haven't done due to class:

Halo (singleplayer, I just rescued Keyes)
Max Payne 1 (replay, just started Act II)
Max Payne 2 (haven't even burned it)
Call of Duty (downloading)
Condition Zero (downloading)

New PC gamer
2600 (Summer 2003)
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (Al Franken)

Music to listen to:
Orbital's new album, Octane
Jack Johnson, On and On
Howie Day, Australia
David Gray, A New Day at Midnight
DJ Shadow, Funk Spectrum
Benny Benassi, Hypnotica

Another trip home

This one goes out to the whiny people in the last thread who needed something new to yak about, because apparently sex and rock'n'roll weren't enough:

I'm headed back to Dallas this weekend once more. I'll be arriving late Saturday afternoon, performing in the Bass Hall Sunday night with the Oakridge choir, and coming back to Austin on Monday morning. Drop me a line if something cool happens.

In other news, Max Payne 2 has come out, and even though I'm massively excited to play it I'll be waiting a while to do so. Why, you ask? I'm replaying the original so the story is completely fresh in my mind. In addition, the Kung Fu mod completely kicks ass. In fact, Kung Fu Max Payne is highly recommended for anyone who was disappointed by Enter the Matrix: this game delivers. Really.

The need to write

I really wish I could write something big and complex and happy and stylistic. I'm feeling a lacking of real dedication to writing lately and it's annoying me. But then the same holds true for music and gaming and school and sleep and my social life.

College, friends, is a crack addiction. It's impossible to get enough of anything.

And I keep getting paranoid about my future. I want to study in Japan and Spain and London, but I don't have time to leave school to study in all of those places. And I want to work on my musical 'career' at the same time. And see more interesting movies. For those of you saying "Blake, STFU and relax:" I am relaxed. Ask anyone who sees me on a daily basis. It's not like I'm walking around going all Tweek on everyone.

BTW, Lost in Translation = great movie. Highly recommended. Very thoughtful, slyly humorous and bittersweet and optimistic like a good John Mayer song.

I experienced something beautiful tonight: my dear friend and Adventure Buddy extraordinaire Michelle sang to me. A Michelle Branch song, even. It was like she leaned over to whisper something into my ear and instead I heard a whisper-soft, beautiful, lovely voice sing a whole song, perfectly, right into my ear. That had always been a small daydream of mine: to have a girl sing a real throughtful girl song to me.

So that's out of the way - and the second time in a couple short months I've decided that music truly is better than sex. Not 100% of the time - but when music is heartfelt and emotional and takes you away from the place where you are - that transcends anything you can possibly feel. Kind of makes that paranoia go away.

CS Night Signups

Sunday, 8:30 Central. Steam, 1.6. Leave a comment to sign up, or else I'll cancel from low turnout.

Update: Sorry! I've got to cancel since I maxed out my bandwidth and thus I have a veeeery slow connection to the outside Internet. My sincerest apologies, and I'll save some bandwidth for a game this week.