aroon made me do it

1) My uncle once: offered to teach me to drive stick in a Corvette.

2) Never in my life: have i been a jazz musician.

3) When I was five: my parents thought i'd end up in law school.

4) High School was: stifling, full of lame people who didn't understand me, but safe and a good preparation for college

5) I will never forget: what it felt like to be on stage in carnegie hall.

6) I once met: a rock star

7) There’s this person I know who: is brilliant but dates ex-cons.

8) Once, at a bar: me and a rugby player were desperately hit on by a disgusting 45-year-old Spanish woman who drank used beers left over at the bar.

9) By noon I’m usually: planning out how to spend my afternoon working

10) Last night: i read part of the 9/11 commission and talked to this girl i like while feeling incredibly smart.

11) If I only had: MORE SLEEP!

12) Next time I go to church/temple: it'll be an appearance to convince the public my lack of religion isn't reason enough to vote against me.

13) Terri Schiavo: was used by a republican conspiracy to distract the public, but why the hell was she kept alive in the first place??

14) I like: the feeling i get when i do something athletic, but i don't do it nearly often enough.

15) When I turn my head left, I see: the bathroom. how boring.

16) When I turn my head right, I see: my closet. my side's neat and patrick's is a disaster.

17) You know I’m lying when: i'm telling a very obvious lie, but i can get away with subtle ones.

18) In grade school: i spoke my mind to my superiors and got in a lot of trouble for it.

19) If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: a tragic hero, pragmatic but ultimately screwed by his own pride.

20) By this time next year: i'll have a better idea about this whole 'law school' idea of mine, and panicking to experience as much of college and austin as i can before it's over.

21) A better name for me would be: bill clinton, jr.

22) I have a hard time understanding: how people truly never do grow up.

23) If I ever go back to school I’ll: be taking out a huuuuge loan to cover it but dammit it'll be prestigious.

24) You know I like you if: you go 'I KNOW!' within the first 5 minutes of talking to me.

25) If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: i dunno. monica?

26) I hope that: i get more chances to travel internationally after college.

27) Take my advice: get out of the country.

28) My ideal breakfast is: those little biscuits in a can with bacon, and some pancakes, and some waffles, and a banana.

29) A song I love, but do not have is: the final fantasy 7 theme.

30) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: coming to hang out with my crowd at a coffee house, even if the only one left is starbucks.

31) Tulips, character flaws, microchips, & track stars: are all too easy to spot

32) Why won’t anyone: tell me 'you're right' instead of finding it out later?

33) If you spend the night at my house: i can't wait for next time.

34) I’d stop my wedding for: any worthy music-related cause.

35) The world could do without: the bush administration.

37) My favorite blonde is: the one i can't see.

38) Paper clips are more useful than: stupid people

40) And by the way: i hide my strongest qualities just so i can surprise people.

41) The last time I was drunk: i watched football all day and didn't get bored.

42) My grandmother always: would have wanted me to use my inheritance to see the world.

The Pentagon has your info

If you went to public school, that is. Turns out they snuck a provision into the No Child Left Behind Act that forces high schools to release personal information (DOB, name, SSN, GPA and SAT scores) to the Pentagon to be used for military recruiting, but the check on it is there's an opt-out program much like a Do Not Call list for the Pentagon. Even if you've already graduated, you can have your name and info removed. Visit for more info.

I personally don't think it's a crime for the military to have this info, since it already exists and they seem to want to use it to recruit people, which is a necessary venture on their part. On the other hand, the liberals are all pissed that they've "gone around" parents, which I can understand.

Anyway, Do-Not-Call lists are cool, so there's one.

The Dalai Lama..

wins the award for "Most Infectious Smile Ever." While his lecture wasn't far off from what I expected (the gist: the root of all good is inner strength, from which follows peace of mind), and I liked that, I felt the most refreshed by his huge smile and grateful acceptance of the audience's applause. When he laughs, you can't possibly avoid laughing too. I truly suspect that his laugh was half of the lesson. While a lot of people might not get the philosophy behind his teachings, everyone can understand 'Laugh more. Smile more.'

The ability to laugh and smile takes a lot more than appears on the surface. For instance, it takes self-confidence to smile and self-awareness to laugh at yourself. That's two huge steps toward the kind of good individual qualities that the Dalai thinks can result in peace if everyone had them. I'm inclined to agree. While it may not give us world peace, it does at least make for a few more cool people in the world.

Yay for artists maturing

The Sophomore Album is usually that one where the pop artist decides they have to prove their worth. They settle down and pour tons of time into something more artistic with more serious lyrics, and so on and so on. A few good examples taken from popular music: Everclear, Coldplay, Incubus, John Mayer, Michelle Branch, Rufus Wainwright, and Kanye West. They all had varying amounts of success, but they're all still around. Add to that list Vanessa Carlton, because I'm stuck on her new album Harmonium. I was extremely hesitant when I got this album, because as I did I found out it was co-written with Stephan Jenkins, the front man from Third Eye Blind. And I don't like Third Eye Blind.

Thankfully, this album is what a sophomore album should be - more distinct, more stylish, and letting go of what's popular without letting go of what's good. Her piano skills are still amazing, but instead of cheap, sappy pop tunes like "A Thousand Miles" and her cover of "Black," there's intellectually stimulating, emotionally pulling songs that grab you by your ear and then yank you by your heartstrings.

The highlight of the album by far - to the point of 'Go pay $.99 for this on iTunes' - is 'Annie,' which tells the story of her meeting a young girl, terminal from cancer, whose Make-A-Wish was to meet her. It's powerful enough to make you grateful for your own existence.

The rest of the album in my mind takes a huge backseat to that song, but even that said, those other 11 songs are a massive improvement over her last 11.

Did I mention she's pretty cute?